She is a useful person to know-这句话内在的精微
She is a person who is useful to all who know her.
This has roughly the same kind of meaning as the original, but I'm sure it not exactly captures it. When you say "She is useful to all who know her", it sounds as if she is in an inferior position compared to those whom she is useful to. The original expression doesn't have that connotation. In fact, in the original expression, she could be a powerful and important person.
If someone is useful, you can use whom to do something or to help you in some way.
The 'someone' seems to be employed for a purpose.
Lest the stated thing happens, how to deal with the "to know"?
It would have to be:
"She is a useful person (so we get) to know (her)."
"She is a useful person to deserve to be known."
"She is a useful person so we get to know her" is grammatically possible but the present tense "get" is unusual there. It would be more usual to say " we got to know her" (past) or " we should / must / ought to get to know her" (suggesting what we should do in the future).
Regards the "her being useful" as part of "her being useful to all who know her" that is one thing.
(Here, the "her being useful" used for serving / satisfying all who know her)
Regards the "her being useful" as part of "her being useful, so we get to know her" that is another thing. (Here, the "her being useful" used as cause for our getting to know her / for deserving to be known)
【正常的翻译为】她是有用的人,所以我们得想办法去跟她打交道。(to be familiar with her)
传统的翻译,其核心的,也是唯一的语言思维和工具,乃是modify的概念;他们用 to know 来modify a useful person
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